Our topics
This page lists a number of topics we are interested in. Its barely curated at all, representing the diverse set of stuff that our group wants to talk about.
Build your thing - hobby and business
- Exploration of alternative corporate models and the definition of “value” in corporate context
- How can the economical and technical foundations of alternative companies look like?
- Not only exploration, but actually trying to do it
- Build your own physical spaces - hackerspaces, workshops, offices, alternative living
- Hacking for fun and/or technical excellence, in contrast and together - how do they interact with each other?
Hard tech - do it, and do it well
- Motion control, industrial applications, field busses, FPGA, mechatronics engineering, robotics
- Building electronics with KICAD
- Finding open and composable solutions for product lifecycle management in electronics and mechatronics
- Technology in the office and in the field
Big corporate then, now and in the future
- Discussion of how the biggest companies in the world seem to become the most incapable ones
- Structures of power - cooperations, states, organisations and their challenges in the future - utopian and dystopian mind games
- What does the recent extreme consolidation of companies mean?
- Capitalism vs. Post-capitalism: Where value creation is not incentivized anymore, but deriving profit from value that others created is - revenue stream capture
- Raising awareness about enshittification and understanding the mechanisms
- Intelectual Property: Brakes applied to the progress of society?
Politics × democracy
- The process of shaping the future - hwo
- Resistance to change in people, until change actually happens - then it’s as if things were always like this
- Crisis of democracy - basic guarantees are not longer fulfilled by the state - symptoms, observations, what to do
Technology and/or freedom?
- Everyone should understand technology and science, otherwise they’re easily exploitable
- Right to repair
- DRM must die
- General consumer protection
- Without broad understanding of technology, people cannot imagine what technology could be, how good it could be compared to now
- Utopian world where software platforms dont suck, like some kind of quality-land but opposite, to show what technology could do for us
- This kind of exists with solar punk, but it focuses on energy production and social change and not specifically what technology at a small scale could be like
Transformation of digital creation & value
- Generative AI, when programs program themselves, future human-machine interfaces
- The value of data, data ownership and data monetization
The world as we see it - perspectives on reality
- Google Glass -> Apple Vision Pro: Augmented reality, yay or nay?
- Echo chambers, social media bubbles, hand tailored content
- Aftermath of walled in comfort zones, is comfort our biggest problem?
- How do we counteract “alternative facts” content creators and the algorithms spreading this content, that people fall prey to?
Philosophy, existence, cognition and neurodiversity
- How the things are the way they are because somebody made them that way, and that you can at the very least imagine any change once you realize this
- Exchanging about neurodiversity, and how society is not made for people who fall out of the norm, but also how neurodiverse people contribute to society
Communities, regions, nations and alliances
- What can be done to make the European Union even better?
- At which stage of the rise of populism is Germany, how can we prevent a further rise of it
- Look at examples: Populism in America, England and France
Urban spaces and mobility
- Observing and discussing urban development and green transformation in general
- Car lobby and how they turned the 15mn city concept into prison cities
- How the idea of freedom is twisted to just sell more
- City infrastructure
- Bikes
- Trains
Art & culture
- Art and music 🎶
- Improvisational theatre and Comedy - show concepts with AI
- PowerPoint-Karaoke
All beings are welcome / queer department
- Queer stuff
- G a y s h i t